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[E] laquisha
[E] laquisha
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over 13 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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Anyone remember the house at spawn that warned you not to take the diamonds, but then it went SIKE GET FUCKED and banned you if you did? Those were the days....
over 8 years ago
333 rods? I don't remember there being that many but i will check once i am unbanned . And yes i am willing to serve the jail time.
over 13 years ago
Username: laquisha - Date of ban: December 20th 2011 - Person who banned me: Zionia - Reason i was banned : Stealing First of all i want to apologize to Minetown and w00d , i have stolen something that was not rightfully mine and i see my mistake. I didn't know any better i was shopping in w00ds shop and i was buying items from the chests when i came across the blaze rods and i saw them in the chest , I didn't know what was up with them so i searched to ask w00d if i could take them or it was just a glitch.When i looked to talk to him he wasn't online so i decided to take them so no griefer would steal them .Then i would talk to him about the blaze rods later and/or give them back to him. I still have all of the blaze rods and i plan to give them back to him and and once again i apologize ,Thank you
over 13 years ago
i left out to school at 8:20 and i played minecraft till i left now i came back on lunch break and i go on minecraft to see some of my friends and i find that im banned.i dont know why i was banned (banned while i wasnt even on!) , obviously it wasnt for something i did because i wasnt even ONLINE to do something and i was never notified. i have never done something bad at all in my whole minecraftin days. i would be VERY thankful to be notified if i am temp banned and why i was banned. please try to sort something out, thank you greatly for your time
over 13 years ago